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Chesterfield Food Bank Welcoming 100 Volunteers for Altria's Volunteer Day

Updated: 12 hours ago

Altria has chosen the Chesterfield Food Bank Outreach Center as the benefactor of their annual Volunteer Day on Thursday, August 28, 2024.

(Photo: Volunteers from Awaken Church hand out clothing at a past CFBOC volunteer event.)

Chesterfield, Virginia - July 29, 2024

The Chesterfield Food Bank Outreach Center (CFBOC) has just been selected by the Community Foundation for a Greater Richmond for Altria's Volunteer Day, currently scheduled for August 28, 2024.

Altria will send around 100 volunteers to CFBOC to work on several projects including restoring the Volunteer Pavilion outside, creating a new group volunteer workspace in the CFBOC food warehouse, assorted landscaping, and organization of food stocks. This commitment of volunteers from Altria will help CFBOC in numerous ways beyond the millions of meals CFBOC distributes each year. While the need for food assistance continues to rise within Chesterfield County as the county continues to grow, CFBOC has also increased services to not only provide food assistance but also prevent the root causes of food insecurity in the first place.

“Every day the Chesterfield Food Bank Outreach Center relies upon the goodness of volunteers and dedicated local organizations such as Altria," remarked Kim Hill, Executive Director of CFBOC. “In fact, Altria and the Community Foundation for a Greater Richmond are two of our largest supporters as we fight food insecurity in Chesterfield County.”

As CFBOC expands its efforts to combat hunger and the root causes of hunger, the organization invites individuals and businesses within Chesterfield County to join in support of its mission and expansion efforts. Whether through volunteerism, financial contributions, corporate partnerships, or spreading awareness, everyone can play a vital role in making a difference in the lives of those in need in Chesterfield County. 

To learn more about CFBOC and get involved, please visit 
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